Links of London rust

The first project looked specifically at nozzle effect on fungicide performance across four wheat varieties - Links of London, Robigus, Humber and Zebedee, explains Mark Hemmant, the firm's technical manager. Both Oakley and Robigus were hit hard by yellow rust. There was active yellow rust at application in both." Humber and Zebedee had less disease. Each variety was sprayed with Proline (0.6 litres/ha) at flag leaf using one of four different nozzles (see table) in a replicated trial. All were blue 03 nozzles that could Links of London Raindance Necklace at a water volume of 100 litres/ha at a 3 bar pressure with a forward speed of 14 km/h. Water-sensitive paper was placed in the upper, mid and lower parts of the canopy to check for coverage. "Compared with a standard flat fan it appeared that angling the nozzle forward 30 degrees gave better coverage in all parts of the canopy," Mr Hemmant says. But for the two air inclusion Links of London Raindance Silver Pendant, which give a coarser spray and reduce drift, coverage was not as good. Getting good coverage is important when attempting to control yellow rust, Mr Hemmant says. "Angling probably helps to get the spray down the canopy, which would have helped control the active rust present." The angled flat fan gave a yield response of an extra 0.6-0.7t/ha over the standard flat fan. Links of London Teddy Charm not surprisingly, given their poorer coverage, the air inclusion nozzles didn't reach those standards.

Par koala2a2 le jeudi 21 octobre 2010


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