Links of London litres

"On a fleet this size, you only have to improve efficiency by half a percent to Links of London a huge gain," says Beattie. "But with a truck or whole fleet in the wrong hands, losing vast sums of money is a surprisingly easy process. When we say every pound is a prisoner, it's an accurate description of how you have to run a business in 2008." [Sidebar] Knights' bold approach leads to savings, as boss Ian Beattie (top) explains [Sidebar] FIGURING OUT FUEL The company has reduced its dependency on fossil fuels in a number of ways - not only through partnerships. Links of London G Charm and Abbott have some pretty passionate views on the subject, idling trucks being one of the hottest topics. "Drivers used to think it was all right to let a truck warm up for half an hour in the morning, or leave it ticking over as they ate their dinner," says Beattie. "We're currently burning our way through fuel at a rate of 70,000 litres a week. If, for argument's sake, we wasted 10% of that figure through idling, saving just 5% equates to thousands of pounds. In fact, I would Links of London Gingerbread Man it one step further and introduce legislation to ban all road vehicles from leaving their engines running for longer than a few minutes, as is done in parts of the US." [Sidebar] * Abbott: Assessing every aspect of truck spec helps reduce fuel economy, saving the firm thousands in running costs [Sidebar] IN FOCUS FLEET MATTERS When the pair walked through the doors of the current, purpose-built site in 2000, the company operated six rigids, which they describe as being tasked with "doing everything and anything - including long haul". Today, the firm has 40 rigids solely for regional multidrops with 40 artics, partner companies and networks handling the remainder. "Knights' spec trailers are built on a 100mm neck, which gives us an overall running height of 4.05m, enough Links of London Karabiner Bangle double-stacked pallets" CARMA International, Inc. today is launching a new, intuitive, online media measurement tool called CARMA NewsAccess, which will help companies and communications professionals stay abreast of daily media coverage that affects their business, issues and interests.

Par koala2a2 le jeudi 18 novembre 2010


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